Cybernetic Heart
#Do you weep tears? — Mature and dark roleplay character; Sayf Al Deen from Final Fantasy XIV. Viewer discretion is advised.
written by Cybil (he/it, 21+)
اه يا قلبي أتريد عزلة من أجل ما تشقي
ام تريد ناراً بمسها تتغني
MUN Cybil, He/it, 21+ DISCORD available upon request PLOTTING open INBOX open Relations seeking
001. This character deals with themes such as Parental loss, death, guilt, nationality, loyalty, physical assault, sexual assault, murder, medical trauma, and so on Please be careful and advised when interacting, of course, you will not be lambasted with those themes at a first glance! 002. This should come without any surprise, but due to the themes explored in this character and my own comfort and your safety, I will only roleplay with people who are 21+, please be forthcoming about your age, I have many other ocs more suitable for roleplay with 18+ people! I will also not roleplay with underage characters, as child abuse of any sort is not a theme I'm interested in exploring. 003. I am open to any type of roleplay, literally any, but if you wish to ANTAGONIZE my character and become THEEEEEEEEE VILLAIN of his story I would love to have a long conversation and get to know you first. This is to make sure that the two of us are basically on the same wavelength and have compatible communication styles, so that we may avoid unpleasantries and silly situations that are easily dealt with.
004. I'm very okay with pre-planned rp and super okay with spontanous roleplay. I am currently looking for longterm rp and contacts for this guy! So please don't hesitate to reach out. If we don't match up dw! I get it <3 005. I prefer to roleplay with people who have a life outside of the game. I'm a Master's Degree student, and thusly I will not be always available, I also suffer from Bipolar Disorder, as so I will have variable energy levels when it comes to rp. If I seem distant, please be patient! Its just a depressive episode, but I understand if you'd like someone more stable! So please don't hesitate to tell me when you feel like we're not clicking. 006. This OC will only work well and will only bring pleasure with healthy and open communication OOC. I am personally a very friendly and a strong communicator, I ask that you at the very least be very blunt and forthcoming with me, and warn me of any issues that may arise, preferences, expectations, etc etc!
004. I'm not interested in roleplaying with characters who are from other universes. What I mean; is if your character is somehow Naruto that space-time travelled, I respect it, but not for me! I reserve the right to drop out of the roleplay if I feel like our power levels aren't what we expected them to be. After all, if you want to play a god of somesort, feel free! But I'd rather respect your preferences and meet you mid-way than have you have allllll the fun. 005. Please keep a seperation between IC and OOC, I am not my character, and he does not represent me in any way shape or form; of course, if my OC somehow does something that triggers you OOC, that's significant, and I expect you to let me know so we can recitify this situation and fix it together! 006. I'm looking for a myriad of roleplays! Be it deep, long term, short term, slice of life, dark, silly, I'm down for it all!

NAME Sayf Al Deen Ibn DalmascaNICKNAME/ALIAS Lethal EliminatorTITLES Dr.AGE 33DATE OF BIRTH OctoberGENDER & PRONOUNS Nonbinary, He/theyORIENTATION Pansexual / PanromanticRACE/ETHNICITY Au Ra / Raen
HEIGHT 217.0cm”HAIR BlackEYES One gold, one bluePIERCINGS NoneSCARS / TATTOOS / MARKINGS NoneFACE CLAIM NoneDISTINGUISHING FEATURES One magitek eye, two mechanical magitek armsPHYSICAL DESCRIPTION / FIRST IMPRESSION A tall, slender, dark glass of a man. A sharp shard that seems lost from the rest of its remains. His face is stoic, brick-like, expressionless, and his eyes seemed to refuse to meet other eyes. Despite his domineering size, he seems keen on making himself appear smaller.POSITIVE TRAITS kind, considerate, meticulous, sweetNEUTRAL TRAITS romantic, thorough, curious, monotoneNEGATIVE TRAITS blunt, dry, socially inept, distrustfulNEURODIVERGENCES & DISORDERS
- Hussein (Deceased)
- Imani (Deceased)SIBLINGS
- Yahya (Unknown)
- Mish'al (Unknown)
- Amira (Unknown)
- Tasneem (Unknown)SIGNIFICANT OTHER
- Mihiro Saito
- Eiji Qerel
- Two mechanical arms
- One cybernetic eye
CYBERNETIC HEART, DO YOU WEEP?His first memory, when he tries to get through the fog and haze, is that of laughter. Warm sands, a high rope, and balancing on it.A father's proud nod as he notched the rope higher, a mother's worry as he walked in the sky, with his arms out for balance. But yet still, her eyes twinkled with pride, and unmistakable happiness.He remembers chasing a boy, caring for a girl, he remembers hiding in corners to read some obscure books he could not recall a single word of. He remembers kowtowing to a deity, but which? He remembers family feasts after fasting, he recalls, he recalls, he recalls but he cannot remember, those memories.... they come and go, as if there is a hole in his brain that insists on growing, devouring everything in its wake, leaving him with nothing.Leaving him with this loneliness.
SWORD OF THE OATH, PROTECTOR OF THE CREED.Garlemald was cold. It was always so, so cold. He could never get warm enough no matter how much his adoptive mother wrapped him in jackets and scarves. Rarely was there any sun for him to enjoy, and whenever some rays escaped through the clouds and warmed his scales, he couldn't help but look upwards and ponder the disquiet in his little heart.He knew he was different than other children, a child of the colonies whisked away by some official to live among the children of Garlemald. He is lucky, he was told, he should be grateful, he was told. He was saved from a savage life of death and war and whatnot. And grateful he was, he had no memory of what was beyond his mother tucking him in, his father telling him bedtime stories of great Garlean conquests and their leaders.He had no questions, really. And though his childhood was noted by loneliness, alienation and jeers of his peers, he was far too fascinated with life, he loved it too much to remain upset. He wanted to preserve it, and as he grew, he became the pride and joy of his family. Becoming a Medicus.
DO NO HARM, HEAL EVERY SOUL THAT REQUIRES IT.In the sands of hot Dalmasca, he rolled behind a boulder as explosions surrounded him. He could hear every groan of pain from his fellow countrymen but he was unstoppable. No matter the peril, his life barely a consideration for him. Quickly, he gained his reliability, Sayf Al Deen will have your back, even if you are behind enemy lines.He shot with one hand, gave life with another, he was the coin with two faces. Life giving and Life taking was but a same discipline, simply thinking of it in different ways.At the end of the day, despite the accolades, despite the comraderie, the Dalmascan Resistance's guardian angel. He held a secret, a blackening poison that seared through his heart, drip dripping into his guts.His hands were bloodied... innocent blood.

Trade (easy)
No soul left behind.
Sayf travelled from one settlement to another, searching for the most destitute that needed his help. He provided healthcare to the needy, the poor, and those who needed it the most. Back in the day, he was known as Lethal Eliminator, a moniker he used in order to attract those destitute, and to skirt beneath Garlean watch.He made a particular name for himself in Kugane, staying there for longest, becoming something of a go-to for Yakuza bosses and their lackies should they need a doctor that simply won't ask questions, and keep their secrets. He did not accept a single bribe, his patient confidentiality protected behind self-destructive magitek.Now, Sayf mostly travels between Ul'Dah and Ishgard, the backallies and the Brume, searching for those that need him, all the while tending to his clinic.

Visage (easy)
Its a wired life.
Perhaps rather silly not to notice the most noticable thing about him, his arms are mechanical and so is his blue eye thats usually covered by his hair. The reason for his prosthetics he keeps a secret, but due to their existence, Sayf had to take up engineering as a side hobby. He's not the best, but he surely knows how to connect your cybernetics to you smoothly.What those with aethersight might see where others might not, is his low aether signature; belying the fact that he has far more chrome in him than meets the eye. He is almost invisible, barely a blip on the radar.

Clientele (Medium - Easy)
Tell me who you walk with and I'll tell you who you are.Though Sayf never turns down a patient no matter who they are; he actively seeks out the destitute and the needy, and very often, it also happens to be criminals. He has no qualms with treating those who bend or break the law, if anything, he makes a name for himself by being a reliable doctor that keeps their secrets. So, if you need a backalley doctor that doesn't care to ask questions as to your job, he's your guy. He does have some limits, though, and there are some heinous acts he simply cannot condone.

In the past (Medium - Hard)
Sins of the Son.Any Garlean of rank would know that one Au Ra kid that attended school with them, their quiet, odd classmate that was always alone. Jeered, bullied, but he barely cared. He had his own circle of friends and thats all he cared about. And those of higher rank would have known him as the genius doctor that he was; and the defector that he became.Something snapped in him, something changed, woke him up,And those of the Dalmascan resistance would know him as the mysterious combat medic that showed up one night, and became their star doctor, one without any fear, one that would go above and beyond to save his fellow countrymen from fire.
Heavily Affiliated. Short description of relationship. FIRSTNAME LASTNAME — @blogurl
Exclusive. Short description of relationship. FIRSTNAME LASTNAME — @blogurl
Ship Exclusive. Short description of relationship. FIRSTNAME LASTNAME — @blogurl
Main. Short description of relationship.
Heavily Affiliated. Short description of relationship. FIRSTNAME LASTNAME — @blogurl
Exclusive. Short description of relationship. FIRSTNAME LASTNAME — @blogurl
Ship Exclusive. Short description of relationship. FIRSTNAME LASTNAME — @blogurl
Main. Short description of relationship.
Heavily Affiliated. Short description of relationship. FIRSTNAME LASTNAME — @blogurl
Exclusive. Short description of relationship. FIRSTNAME LASTNAME — @blogurl
Ship Exclusive. Short description of relationship. FIRSTNAME LASTNAME — @blogurl
Main. Short description of relationship.

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Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.

Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.

Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.

Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.

Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.